Over the years Collab has curated and helped to incubate some of the most innovative people leading the creative economy and building the 21st Century Workforce.  From individuals like Ayah Bdeir, Founder and CEO of littlebits, to New York Times Best Selling Author and world famous pop up artist Matthew Reinhart,  Collab has become a magnet for individuals and companies to thrive.  What started as a social experiment asking the question, how will we work together in the future?  Turned into an interesting and ongoing exploration of how community, creativity, open platform sharing and old school hard work ethics creates unlimited opportunities for economic growth and personal satisfaction.   If your organization would like to have a better understanding of the 21st century workforce, gain insight into how a small but powerful collective has bonded together to create over 200 million dollars in valuations and 250 jobs, or if your looking to inspire a group of people, Collab is a fantastic place to spend the day.   Our collection of current and past members combined with our unique space filled with unlimited tools for building, making and sharing are a valuable experience.  

Working with Collab and learning how their teams work together provided an invaluable experience for everyone at the childrens museum
— Tom Quaranta, Childrens Museum of Manhattan

What We've Achieved

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  • Donec condimentum enim sit amet felis dignissim laoreet adipiscing porta. 
  • Vivamus egestas urna sed lorem sagittis, id lacinia erat porta cras.
  • Morbi eu elit in justo auctor dignissim. Sed ultrices eget neque tellus.
  • Sed fermentum eget velit at eleifend. Donec volutpat est a felis pulvinar.